
With our vision to drive sustainable and affordable travel, we strive for transformative change in travel, which benefits the environment and the communities we serve. We have always embedded sustainability in our business strategy and across our organization.

Sustainability as an integral part of our vision

Our CEO's statement

«We seek to create added value whenever our actions have an impact. We support the transition to a climate-conscious mindset and increasing travel opportunities for all with our growing global network. At the same time, we want to support positive change for our stakeholders, from our employees all the way to our business, bus and train partners, and customers. Measuring our impact in the medium and long term with a robust ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) strategy and sustainability roadmap as an integral part of our vision is vital to ensure we are on the right path.»


André Schwämmlein

Founder and CEO 

Flix at a glance

Some of our facts for 2023

Upon publication of our second voluntary ESG report, we assess our progress throughout 2023 in the areas highlighted by our four pillars: Travel, People, Planet, and Governance.

Among other things, over the past year we have calculated 1.1 million tonnes of CO2 avoided by our passengers in 2023 alone by just choosing Flix services over other modes of transport, like cars or planes (based on the results of our Post Ride Survey). To find out more on the methodology used to quantify the emission benefits of collective travel, please refer to Flix’s 2023 Avoided Emissions reporting criteria.

And there was more to our environmental performance: in April 2024, the SBTi validated Flix’s near-term targets for emissions reduction – our own and our partners’ – by 2032, thus acknowledging that our strategy is in line with global climate goals. With these targets, Flix aims to reduce its absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 54.6%. This includes greenhouse gas emissions directly and indirectly generated by Flix, associated with the consumption of electricity, steam, heat, or cooling, and with the fuel consumption of its own fleet. Additionally, Flix aims to reduce its Scope 3 emissions by 40.9%, which includes emissions generated by its partners’ fleets per passenger kilometer.

Regarding our social performance, key figures include 44% female new hires in 2023, which are part of an overall global workforce of over 5,600 employees from 102 countries, reaffirming diversity as an intrinsic structure to support a fundamental value at Flix and the force behind our success.

Download our voluntary ESG report for 2023

ESG Related News & Stories

Find out more on how we pursue sustainability and drive transformative change in our day-to-day operations!

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ESG News

22. April 2024

Flix enabled travelers to avoid over 1 million tonnes CO2 in 2023: Collective travel leads the way to a sustainable future.

On today’s Earth Day, global travel-tech leader Flix issues its second voluntary ESG report disclosing its near-term goals for emissions reduction, while highlighting the environmental benefits of collective travel.

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ESG News

28. September 2023

As Flix celebrates World Car-Free Day, CEO André Schwämmlein calls for a new mindset

Flix speaks up again to encourage more and more people to take on a collective approach to travel and join the company on their path to a more sustainable future in transport.

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ESG News

18. September 2023

Driving sustainability: Flix and Scania unveil a long-term partnership to enhance use of biogas in bus travel.

On the occasion of the European Mobility Week 2023, Flix and Scania announce a long-term partnership to enable more sustainable long-distance travel.

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ESG News

20. June 2023

Flix releases its first voluntary ESG report as a springboard for continuous improvement and growing transparency and announces carbon neutral travel commitment for Europe by 2040

Munich, June 20th, 2023 – Flix releases its first voluntary ESG report, thus marking a further milestone in its history of pursuing long-term value creation within its vision shaped by sustainability.

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Contact Us

Flix SE Press Office

Have further questions about sustainability at Flix? Feel free to reach out!

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Iris Brand

Corporate Communications, Sustainability, Executive Communications 

Linkedin profile
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Marco Zucchetti

Sustainability Communications

LinkedIn profile